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Company Research Report: MARUKA FURUSATO Corporation (7128)
Fullsat Maruka HD Research Memo (8): Strengthening Initiatives for Sustainable Management
■ Fullsat Marka Holdings <7128> Growth Strategy 3. Sustainability Management The company is also strengthening its efforts in sustainability management. In February 2022, a Sustainability Committee was established, with five basic themes: (1) Achieving 'harmony and coexistence' with the global environment (reducing environmental impacts in business activities), (2) Supporting the sustainability of the 'manufacturing industry' (productivity improvement through automation and labor-saving proposals for production facilities and construction sites), (3) 'Safety
Fursato Maruka HD Research Memo (7): Shareholder returns target DOE 3.5% (2027-2029 achievement target)
■ Full Throttle Holdings <7128>'s growth strategy 2. Shareholder Returns Shareholder returns On April 15, 2024, the company announced a change in the shareholder return policy. Previously, the basic principle was to strive for a stable dividend of a minimum of 15.00 yen per year, with a consolidated dividend payout ratio of about 35%. However, after the change, the long-term shareholder return target for ordinary dividends was set at "DOE (dividend on equity) of 3.5% or higher", with the basic policy of continuously increasing dividends (progressive dividends). DOE refers to
Fursato Maruka HD Research Memo (6): Medium-term management plan 'UNISOL'
■ Fullsat Holdings <7128> growth global strategy 1. Medium-term management plan 'UNISOL' The company sets a target for 10 years from now with revenue of 400 billion yen, operating profit of over 20 billion yen, and market capitalization of 150 billion yen as the desired state, and in order to achieve this long-term goal, the medium-term management plan 'UNISOL' (Fiscal year ending December 2022 to December 2026) has the first 2 years (Fiscal year ending December 2022 to December 2023) as the basis for infrastructure development (growth trajectory return).
Fulsato Maruka HD Research Memo (2): Fulsato Kogyo and Maruka jointly established a holding company in October 2021.
■Company Overview 1. Company Overview Furusato Maruca Holdings <7128> is a holding company established by Furusato Kogyo and Maruca through an equity transfer in October 2021. The group's philosophy includes the slogan ("declaration to society") "Have you found the answer?" one after another.", Mission (mission to fulfill) "Pioneer the present with inspiring proposals, and run side by side to the front of change.", Vision (desired future) "To a society overflowing with 'wishes come true'."
Fullsat Marka HD Research Memo (1): The demand recovery trend is expected to improve from the second half of the fiscal year ending December 2024.
Summary: Fursato Maru Holdings <7128> is a holding company established in October 2021 through the method of joint equity transfer between Fursato Kogyo Co., Ltd. and Maruka Co., Ltd. aiming to enhance the synergy of the group as a technical trading company specializing in machinery, tools, and construction materials, and to create unique solutions that are unmatched. 1. Strength in solution capabilities in the "manufacturing" market, segment division includes machinery, tools, construction materials.
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