GreenEnergy &: Large shareholding reports (special exception share certificates, etc.)
GreenEnergy: Change Report (Stock Certificates Eligible for Special Provisions, etc.)
GreenEnergy: Correction Report (Mass Ownership Report/Change Report)
GreenEnergy: Change report.
Fit: Correction Report (Mass Ownership Report/Change Report)
Fit: Correction Report (Mass Ownership Report/Change Report)
Fit: Change Report
Fit: Mass holding report (stock certificates subject to special cases, etc.)
Fit: Change report.
Fit: Notice on determining the issuing content of the right to raise shares (paid stock options)
Fit: Notice on issuing and raising the right to purchase shares (paid stock options)
Fit Corporation: Change report.
Fit Corporation: Notice on the result of the acquisition of own shares and the termination of the acquisition of own shares (ToSTNeT-3)
Fit Corporation: Notice on the acquisition of one's own shares and the acquisition of one's own shares through an out-of-session acquisition transaction (ToSTNeT-3)
Fit Corporation: Change report.
Fit Corporation: Notice on determining the issuing content of the right to raise shares (paid stock options)
Fit Corporation: Notice on issuing and raising the right to purchase shares (paid stock options)
Fit Corporation: Notice on the status of the acquisition of one's own shares and the end of the acquisition
Fit Corporation: Notice on the acquisition of one's own shares
Fit Corporation: Notice on the acquisition of one's own shares
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