US FuturesDetailed Quotes

MESCURRENT Micro E-mini S&P 500 Index Futures Current Contract

  • 5844.50
  • -24.25-0.41%
10min DelayMarket Closed Dec 20 09:29 ET

Micro E-mini S&P 500 Index Futures Current Contract Contracts

No. Symbol Name Price Chg % Chg Bid Ask Bid Vol Ask Vol Volume OI OI Change Open Pre Close High Low Prev Settle LTD
1 MESmain Micro E-mini S&P 500 Index Futures(MAR5) 5996.50 +62.50 +1.05% 5996.25 5997.00 6 7 1.28M 95.24K 4.45K 5943.75 5934.00 6050.75 5865.75 5934.00 --
2 MEScurrent Micro E-mini S&P 500 Index Futures Current Contract 5844.50 -24.25 -0.41% -- -- 0 0 21.39K 111.73K -82.66K 5875.25 5868.75 5878.25 5801.00 5868.75 --
3 MESnext Micro E-mini S&P 500 Index Futures Next Contract 5996.50 +62.50 +1.05% 5996.25 5997.00 6 7 1.28M 95.24K 4.45K 5943.75 5934.00 6050.75 5865.75 5934.00 --
PriceChg% ChgBidAskBid VolAsk VolVolumeOIOI ChangeOpenPre CloseHighLowPrev SettleLTD
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