Line Yahoo、三菱重工、任天堂(adr)、川崎船(5日)
※以上日历仅供参考,可能会因企业安排而有所变动。---------------------------------------11月5日(星期二)<1723>日本电技 <1787>纳卡波科技<1826>佐田建 <1945>东京能源<1967>大和 <2222>寿灵精酿<2281>普利玛汉堡 <2372>ayro inc
Stream Media:特别报告
股票收盘价与前一天相比*<7318>selendip 1547197126900*<4933>ine 1971329480400*<3878>Tomegawa Corp 71230151700*<2586>Frutta 1533989393100*<5580>Prodilite 1071150132200*<7739>佳能电子 2368111289500*<6836> Platte 26933282500*<6807 >航空电子设备 27041
前一天有所活动的股票 part2 包括イビデン、ジーニー、大和重工等
股票名称<代码>12日收盘⇒比前一日上涨伊井电<4062> 4382 +337,在半导体股上涨的背景下,有望反弹的动向占据主导地位。日本停车场开发<2353> 233 +12,持续看好因为有大幅增配计划等因素。关电工<1942> 2158 -892,也要关注在2300日元的上方阻力重压下。第一三共<4568> 5091 -110,继续对Dato-DXd试验结果持消极态度。神户物产<3038> 4287 -64
<5031> M International continues to rise significantly by +15. After the trading on the 11th, it announced an upward revision of its full-year financial forecast for the fiscal year ended January 25, and buying based on this information is leading the way. The net sales forecast was revised upward to 6.536 billion yen (an increase of 4.6%), and the ordinary profit forecast was revised upward to 187 million yen (an increase of 118.9%) from the previous forecast of a decline in sales and profits. "TwitCasting" is somewhat affected by changes in the competitive environment in the live streaming market and the diversification of creator activities, but overall user satisfaction is high.
*网路专业HD<7383> 321 +44成长市场大幅反弹,看好回调买入。*樱井互联网<3778> 4325 +505数据中心投资活跃,半导体股上涨为线索。*新日本<3921> 1900 +206第2季度盈利增速扩大。*恩原制作所<6361> 1881 +174.5氢能源泵试验设施建设报道传出。*ANYCOLOR<5032>