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Lib Work---Announcement of acquisition of treasury stock
On the 6th, Lib Work <1431> announced that it had acquired treasury stock based on the provisions of Article 459, Paragraph 1 of the Company Act. The company acquired a total of 110,000 shares of its common stock through a market purchase on the Tokyo Stock Exchange from October 1st to October 31st, 2024, for a total of 0.073 billion yen.
Lib Work---The first model house in the Hokuriku area to join as an IP licensed store is completed in Ishikawa Prefecture.
On the 30th, Lib Work <1431> announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Lib Service, which is engaged in platform business, has started providing the IP license service "niko and ... EDIT HOUSE" to residence companies nationwide in collaboration with Adastria <2685>. This time, the affiliated partner, Clasino House, announced the completion of the model house in Ishikawa Prefecture. "niko and ... EDIT HOUSE" IP License.
Lib Work---Residential Housing Business Order Quick Report
Lib Work <1431> announced the preliminary report of its detached residence business on the 10th. For the fiscal year ending June 2025, the number of units ordered increased by 111% compared to the same period last year, and the order amount increased by 117% accordingly. The number of units ordered by the company is counted as one for each real estate sales contract signed, and the order amount is calculated by combining the land price and the building price. In addition, the order amount is calculated excluding consumption tax.
Rework Research Memo (11): Promoting sustainable home building
■Lib Work<1431>'s growth strategy 3. Sustainability Management Concerning sustainability management, in March 2021, we made an SDGs declaration and announced a policy of contributing to realizing a rich life and happiness through sustainable home building, as well as considering the Earth's environment. Subsequently, in September 2022, we declared our global strategy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 for the CO2 emissions generated by our business activities, as well as the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) initiative.
Ribwork Research Memo (10): Shareholder returns target dividends payout ratio of 25% to 30%, implementation of quarterly dividends.
■Lib Work<1431>'s growth strategy 2. Shareholder return policy The company places importance on the balance between growth and return in terms of dividend policy, aiming for a dividend payout ratio of 25% to 30% as a guideline to determine the annual dividend amount. In addition, with the intention of investors holding for the long term, the company has been implementing quarterly dividends since the fiscal year ending June 2019. Based on this basic policy, the dividend for the fiscal year ending June 2024 will remain the same as that of the fiscal year ending June 2023 at 6.4 yen (1.6 yen at the end of the first quarter, 1.6 yen at the end of the second quarter, 1.6 yen at the end of the third quarter).
Ribwork Research Memo (9): Formulation of the medium-term management plan "NEXTSTAGE2026".
■ Growth strategy of Lib Work <1431> 1. Medium-term management plan "NEXTSTAGE2026" The company formulated the medium-term management plan "NEXTSTAGE2026" in August 2023 (fiscal year ending June 2024 to fiscal year ending June 2026), with the target values for the final year ending June 2026 as revenue of 28.5 billion yen for single-family residence business, operating profit of 3 billion yen, ROE of 30%, annual growth rate of web visitors by 30%, 0.2 million YouTube channel subscribers, and in the platform business sector.
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